About Us

The Geological Society of South Sudan (GEO-SSS) is a Non-profit Scientific society for earth scientists established during Covid-19 in 2021. Our main objective is to promote and advance the earth sciences including the mandate to advise and assist members of the earth science profession, government and the public in all matters relating to Earth Science.
The Society shall be concerned with conservations and scientific exploitation of minerals resources of the country without degrading environment and uniform utilization of those resources for the benefit of all Citizens. Society will also play a crucial role in matters of National Mineral Policy, Geological maps and survey, thrust in gold and oil exploration and other economic minerals, research in Earth Science and mentorship of learners at secondary and high education in Earth Science.
The society intends to broad base its membership by extending its invitation to University Departments teaching Earth Science, Research Institutes and Mining, Mineral and metallurgical Units in the public as well as private sector to enroll as Corporate Members and extend their moral and Financial Support to the Society in Building up the resource potential of the Country.
The Society’s members represent all earth Science Professions including Geologists, Geophysicists, Geochemistry’s, Paleontologists, Geotechnical and Engineering Geologists, environmental Geologists, Petroleum Geologists and associated professions including members that come from the minerals and petroleum Industries, Government departments, research and education institutions and consultancy groups.
Protection of the natural resources and environment while educating people on its aspect will be one of the priorities of the Society. Popularization of Geology will be done at school level to exposed young children to earth science. This is so significant for making them appreciate the importance of natural resources in the development of their Country. The society intends to take up the matter with learning Institution to see that the subject of Geology is taught at high school level.


Earth Science is the force for better Physical World.
GEO-SSS MISSION: To promote, support and advance Earth Science within scientific and wider community by:
a) Acting as a National advisory authority on Geo-Hazard like Geo-environmental Pollution, Earth Quake, Flooding, Famine and landslide.
b) providing systematic and thematic Geological mapping and conducting research on the onshore and offshore, as assigned by concerned authorities or independently; through:
 Facilitation of minerals, Energy and Agricultural development.
 Supporting infrastructures development within South Sudan and behind.
 Encouraging assessment, utilization and management of Minerals, Hydro-geological and Geo-environmental resources.
 Supports transformation and National developmental agenda that is relative to Earth Science.
 Transparency: Striving to Ethical Integrity and Quality of Service.
 Learning: Providing learning through knowledge creation.
 Accountability: Promote reliability, commitment, and taking responsibility
 Diversity: Promote an inclusive culture, equality and respect for others across Geosciences wider community.
 Excellence: We seek opportunities to work collaboratively and aim to be recognized as a valued partner in every aspect of our Business.
 Social safety, health and environmental sustainability: Prioritizing social life, health and safety of all employees and stakeholders in accordance with environmental stewardship.
The following are the fundamental aims and objective of the Geological Society of South Sudan be contain in the memorandum and Constitution.
I. To promote, advance and support the earth sciences within the scientific and wider community with other association when formed.
II. To represent National or International meetings, workshops, conferences, symposia, competitions and field trips in the field of geology and other subject of geological interest.
III. To promote the cause of Geological research, publication of Journal, articles, autobiographies and other special problems like Environmental issues in furtherance of the objects of the Society.
IV. To secure and administer fund, grant, and donations for the advancement Geological society.
V. To give support and promote the study, training and understanding of earth sciences within formal education systems, the scientific community and the overall public.