Specialised Groups

Specialist Groups should operate under the legal and financial authority of the Council and they may establish their own Rules, but such Rule may not contravene the existing GEO-SSS Rules and Procedures, or relevant GEO-SSS laws. The composition and election of Specialist Group Committees is outlined below:

(a) Any member of the Society may subscribe to a Specialist Group. Non-members who are not eligible for membership may subscribe to the Specialist Group only. These will be Associates and they will not have voting rights or the right to be Office Bearers of the Society.

(b) A Specialist Group Committee should include a Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and up to eight other committee members, of which no more than three members are non-voting members of the Society.

(c) A Specialist Group shall not incur any financial obligation chargeable to the Society unless authorised by Council or the Executive Committee, or take any action which may conflict with the Rules of the Society.
(d) A Specialist Group may not undertake to raise finance by appeals, unless approval has been given by the Council.

(e) Specialist Group Rules may be amended by a General Meeting of the Specialist Group providing two months’ notice is given to its members and the changes do not contravene the Society Rules and have been approved by the Governing Council.
(f) Subscription rates may be determined by individual Specialist Groups. Any changes in rates are to be advised to the CEO by the Specialist Group Treasurer by the 1st June for the following year.
(g) Grants will be paid to Specialist Groups in respect of affiliated Members, based on subscription funds collected by the State and Administrative areas Offices.
(h) Specialist Groups are required to report to the Governing Council as determined from time to time and, as a minimum, must submit an annual report.

Specialist are group of Members having interests in any one of the earth sciences and other related discipline as approved by the Governing Council and adopted as a rules. These are areas considered for someone to be a specialist.
Coal geology;

Historical Geology
Economic geology;
Petroleum Engineering
Tectonics and structural geology;
Environmental Geology;
Environmental Studies
Civil Engineering;
Chemical Engineering;
Medical Geology;
Earth science history;
Planetary geoscience;
Solid Earth geophysics;
Remote Sensing and GIS
Petroleum Refining Engineering
Petroleum Engineering
Mining Engineering



Expert Practitioners of geosciences uses all relevant technical knowledge and expertise. Practice of geosciences at an expert level requires the highest technical, ethical and legal standards, so as to protect the interests of the public, industry, other practitioners, and the private individual.

In applied geosciences investigations, interpretations, evaluations, consultations, resources and deposits of energy, metals, non-metals, precious stones, or water resources, and the natural environment helps in understanding of geosciences processes, and geoscientific features of the areas.

1) Petroleum and Gas: For geoscientists concerned with the search for, definition and recovery of petroleum and other hydrocarbons, geophysical and structural study of hydrocarbon reservoirs, and those researching the evolution and history of sedimentary basins and environments that may host hydrocarbons.

2) Mineral Exploration: For geoscientists concerned with the search for mineral deposits: planning, execution, inter¬pretation of exploration programs (geological, geochemical and geophysical), drill testing of prospects, estimation of resources, and re¬gional mapping of metalliferous districts.

3) Mineralogy: For geoscientists concerned with the study of petrography, crystallography, composition and occurrence of mineral phases, including remotely sensed data.

4) Coal: For geoscientists concerned with the search for, definition and recovery of coal, the geological and geophysical determination of coal reserves, and sedimentary geoscientists involved in research on the evolution and history of sedimentary basins and environments that may host coal deposits.

5) Environmental Geosciences: For geoscientists concerned with natural environments, geological materials and events and their interaction with human populations, the effects of populations on the environment, contaminated sites and soils, oceanography, climate, geomorphology.

6) Geochemistry: For geoscientists specializing in all forms of geochemistry of rocks, soils, ores and other earth materials.

7) Geo-hazards: For geoscientists conducting investigations into the understanding, mitigation and costing of earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides and volcanic eruptions which have potential to impact on human safety and property loss, in Congo and near-neighbor countries like South Sudan.

8) Geophysics: For geoscientists specializing in geophysics in the exploration for and delineation of potentially economic materials like minerals, hydrocarbons, and water as well as the mapping of geology and geological structure at local and regional scales, and the characterization of physical properties of rocks.

9) Geotechnical and Engineering: For geoscientists concerned with geological materials and their geochemical, geotechnical and engineering properties, applications to mine excavations, construction of buildings, roads, railways, dams and other civil engineering proj¬ects, mine stability, erosion studies pertaining to civil engineering, urban development, earthquake studies and seismic research.

10) Hydrogeology: For geoscientists, hydrogeologists, hydrologists and groundwater geologists involved in the identification, measurement and development of water resources, and the protection of aquifers from over exploitation or contamination.

11) Industrial Minerals: For geoscientists concerned with the search for, evaluation, economic extraction and beneficia¬tion of generally non-metallic and non-fuel rocks and minerals. This includes exploration, analysis, mining and quarrying, and processing of com¬modities used in the agricultural and chemical in¬dustries, the building and construction industries, and precious gems, rocks and minerals.

12) Information Geosciences: For geoscientists specialising in data and information management relating to geology, geophysics, geochemistry and geography, as well as editing and publishing scientific or statutory documents.

13) Isotope Geochemistry & Geochronology: For geoscientists concerned with the geochemi¬cal behavior of isotopes in earth materials, in studies of petrogenesis or metallogeny, and with using isotopic geochemistry in geochronological studies.

14) Mining: For geoscientists concerned with the economic extraction of mineral deposits, including ore reserve estimation, mining grade control, recon¬ciliations, mining feasibility and mine economics.

15) Paleontology: For geoscientists concerned with discovery, identification and taxonomic classification of fossils, including environmental analysis and morphological functions.

16) Petrology: For geoscientists concerned with the mineralogical and geochemical character and geological evolution of rocks and rock suites.

17) Palaeoclimate geosciences: For geoscientists concerned with the study of climate, now and through geological time, through space, its causes, and its impact on life and other processes.

18) Planetary Geosciences: For geoscientists concerned with the geology, bio-geology and evolution of any meteorite, planet or planetoid body in the universe.

19) Regional Geosciences: For geoscientists concerned with regional scale geology, including mapping, basin analysis, and geological processes such as tectonics, metamorphism, magmatism and regional scale metallogeny.

20) Sedimentology: For geoscientists concerned with the processes and structures relevant to the deposition of sedimentary rocks, and the interpretation of the environmental and tectonic significance through time of those rocks.

21) Structural Geosciences: For geoscientists concerned with studying and interpreting the nano, micro, meso or macro-scale structures of rocks, districts and regions.

22) Volcanology: For geoscientists concerned with studying the materials and processes of volcanoes, both on Earth and other planetary bodies.

23) Other: Others categories may be requested by the applicant in special cases.



(a) Provide leadership within the Specialist Group in addressing and promoting the Objects of GEO-SSS as set out in the Rules, with a specific focus on the objectives of the Specialist Group.
(b) Ensure that the Specialist Group Committee has sufficient members and office bearers to be an effective advocate of the Specialist Group’s objectives, and to effectively manage and utilise the funds held on behalf of GEO-SSS to further its objectives.
(c) Ensure that the Specialist Group Committee communicates with its members
(d) If elected, the Deputy Chair is required to carry out the duties of the Chair in periods of his/her absence.


(a) Maintain connection between the Specialist Group Committee and the CEO.
(b) Ensure the Specialist Group is utilising the current membership list as supplied by the office.
(c) Convene meetings of the Specialist Group Committee and record minutes.
(d) Notify the Secretary and CEO of meetings, symposia, field trips, camping or conferences organised by a Specialist Group.

(e) When requested, notify members of important Executive and Council decisions, proposed Society changes, activities and events in the Specialist Group newsletters.
(f) Ensure preparation of the annual report of the Specialist Group by the Chair and Treasurer for submission to CEO within three months of the end of the preceding calendar year (by 28/29 February).
(g) Supply to Secretary and CEO within four weeks of such meetings, copies of the minutes of Annual General or Special Meeting of the Specialist Group.
(i) Notify the Secretary, and CEO of the name, address, and contact details of the incoming Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer when the Specialist Group Committee changes.
(j) Notify the CEO of all new Specialist Group publications and comply with the requirements of the Procedural Guide for Publications.
(k) Advise the Secretary and Awards Chair of any applications for Specialist Group Awards of the Society which have been endorsed and recommended by the Specialist Group Committee.
(l) Receive mail on behalf of the Specialist Group, forwarding mail items to the appropriate committee members.


Specialist Group committees are delegated by the Governing Council with the responsibility for wisely managing and maintaining any funds held by that Specialist Group on behalf of GEO-SSS. That delegated responsibility is primarily discharged by the Specialist Group Treasurer, in cooperation with the Specialist Group Committee. The Treasurer is also responsible for the finances of the Specialist Group and duties include:
(a) Maintain connection between the Specialist Group Committee and the CEO.
(b) Manage Income and expenditure records
(c) Manage Petty cash book.
(d) Manage Bank deposit and cheque books.
(e) Manage Creditors’ invoices.
(f) Manage Stock lists of books and sales reports if applicable.


Geologic Mapping is a highly interpretive scientific process that can produce a range of map products for many difference uses including assessing ground-water quality and contamination risk, Predicting Earthquake, Volcano, and Landslide Hazard, characterizing energy and Mineral resources and their extraction costs.
Geologist considered field mapping experts has skills necessary to identify and assess field mapping strategies, using GPS & GIS alignment techniques. Geological Society of South Sudan (GEO-SSS) supports comprehensive Geologic mapping that improve the Scientifics basis for Public and Private natural resource and land-use decision.

• Geological Surveyors
• Remote Sensing Experts
• Data Analysts
• Information Geoscientist

1. Abraham Kochedhie
2. Thuch Garang
3. Youditha Moses
4. Nelson Okot (UOJ)
5. Mai Puot Gatluak (UOJ)
6. Matthew Puok (UOJ
7. Daniel Deng Wek (UOJ-5)
8. Madut Ajang Mathiang (UOJ)

Exploration Geologists works within the Minerals Extraction Industry by identifying and assessing the location, and determining quantity & Quality of Mineral deposits as well as finding out new prospects of Mineral Deposits.
Exploration Geologists can examine various sources of information for instance rock at surface, satellite Images, Geophysical data, and drill materials in order to build a sensible model of what is going on in the subsurface and therefore makes an intelligent prediction at where the mineral of Interest might be found. Geological Society of South Sudan (GEO-SSS) supports Mineral exploration to improve the search for mineral deposits and assist mining companies in the planning and expansion of Mining operations within South Sudan.

• Mineralogists
• Miners
• Economic Geologists
• Industrial Geologists

1. Stephen Rio Korok (UOJ-5)
2. Ajak John Ateng
3. Sogi Modi Ladu (UOJ-5)
4. Micheal Amule Jackson
5. Bith Malual Agok Kutjang
6. Agok Samuel Deng Kuol
7. Maker Makur Magar Atuot
8. Deng Atem

9. Agany Anei (UOJ)

10. Joseph Deng Nhial

Petrologists are responsible for investigating various aspects of rock masses that exist under the earth’s crust by analyzing them in a lab where their exact composition, texture, structure, occurrence, distribution and origin in relation to geologic processes is determine. Geological Society of South Sudan (GEO-SSS) encourages Petrological research which provides data on the extraction of valuable minerals and Natural resources within South Sudan regional gradations.
• Geo/lab Technicians
• Sedimentologists
• Core log Analysts
• Volcanologists
• Metamorphic Petrologists
1. Winnie RufasYokwe.
2. Ajak John Ateng
3. Micheal Amule Jackson
4. Jacob Jok Deng
5. Youditha Moses

Oil and Gas experts played a pivotal role in the transformation of the Global Economy, fuelling the world’s demand for heat, light and mobility. Expert Practitioners of Oil & Gas use all relevant technical knowledge and expertise to accelerate the growth of Oil and Gas. Geological Society of South Sudan (GEO-SSS) act as a National advisory authority on Geo-environmental Pollution, Chemical analysis and conducting of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

• Petroleum Geoscientists
• Exploration Geologists
• Geophysicists
• Stratigraphic Geologists (Geochronologists)
• Drillers
• Production Geologists
• Reservoir Engineers
• Economic Geologists
• Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation Expert
• Oil and Gas management
• Oil and Gas Laws Experts
• Oil and Gas Economics Experts
1. Ambrose Guot (UOJ-5)
2. Ajak John Ateng
3. Daniel Deng Wek (UOJ-5)
4. Mai Puot Gatluak
5. Isaac Abuni
6. Thuch Garang
7. Abraham Kockedhie
8. Mayom Akech
9. Mabil Kang
10. Bany Samuel
11. Maku Tom
12. Nyibek Akon
13. Escol Walaka
14. Robert Ladu
15. Deng Atem
16. Ajang Deng
17. Madut Ajang Mathiang (UOJ)
18. Agany Anei (UOJ)
19. Joseph Deng Nhial (UOJ-5)
20. Julia Thomas Wani (UOJ-5)
21. Moses Makuer Machar(UOJ-5)
22. Makol Malual
23. Nicodemus Anyang.
24. Mamuor David
Engineering Experts are responsible for Dams, Bridges, Roadways, Building safety, Architecture and many elements of Agriculture. Engineers have a wide role in the Society; they are main movers of technical structures such as to mine excavations, construction of buildings, roads, bridges, Tunnels, water supply, sewer, railways, dams and other civil engineering proj¬ects, mine stability, erosion studies pertaining to civil engineering, urban development, design of electrical grids, telecommunication, earthquake studies and seismic research. Geological Society of South Sudan (GEO-SSS) support infrastructures development within South Sudan through technology.

• Engineering Geologists
• Petroleum Engineers
• Geo-technicians
• Chemical Engineers
• Computer Engineers
• Software Engineers
• Civil Engineers
• Petroleum Refining Engineers
• Mining Engineers

1. Mawa James
2. Jacob Jok Deng
3. John Roba Anania
4. Lubaji Luis Arkangelo
5. Thuch Garang
6. Wani James
7. Escol Walaka
8. Winnie Rufas Yokwe
9. Chol Teng Aluong
10. Mabior Ater Aguek
11. Jackson Onyo Adelinda
12. Matthew Puok (UOJ)
13. Bany Samuel
14. Maku Tom
15. Nyibek Akon
16. Robert Ladu
17. Lual Angelo Mou Amet
18. Rose Moriko Daniel
19. Nicodemus Anyang
20. Bith Malual Agok Kutjang
21. Agok Samuel Deng Kuol
22. Maker Makur Magar Atuot
23. Gai Bol
Environmental Geoscientist are responsible for the protection of human health and the Environment by providing technical assistance to support recovery planning of public health and infrastructures such as waste water treatment plants and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).Geological Society of South Sudan (GEO-SSS) is concerned with conservations and scientific exploitation of minerals resources of the country without degrading environment.

• Environmental Geologists
• Environmental Scientists
• Biotechnologists
• Medical Geologists
• Soil Scientists
• Geochemistry Experts
• Hydro-geologists
• Geo-hazards Management Experts
• Agro-geologists
• Paleontologist

1. Benson Garang Kuch
2. Atem Monykuc Arop
3. Nelson Okot (UOJ)
4. Mai Puot Gatluak (UOJ)
5. Winnie RufasYokwe (UOJ-5)
6. Thuch Garang
7. Emmanuel Okenyi.
8. Samuel Malou Tokmac.
9. Bith Malual

 Geological Mapping
 Mineral and oil/gas exploration
 Geo-hazard investigation:
 Earthquake &famine
 Flood& Landslide
 Volcanic Eruption &Tsunami
 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
 Training, National and International Conference, National Earth Science Olympiad
 Geo-Tourism
 Geo-sss Scholarship foundation
 Geo-sss institution
 Consultancy work
 Geo-sss magazine
 Publication of scientific article, journal, geo-sss, bulletin, newsletters, memos and magazine.
 Recognition &wards
 Geo-Heritage
 Environmental Conservation:
o Tree Planting
o Land reclamation &Waste Management



 Geological Mapping

Geotechnical Engineers: Involves the assessment of soil and rock conditions for foundations and Earthworks. Geotechnical engineering provided by GEO-SSS includes the assessment of ground conditions to assist with the design and construction of any developmental projects from small residential developments to high rise buildings.
 Investigations for residential, commercial and industrial developments, including interpretation and laboratory testing data.
 Construction supervision and quality assurance of earthworks, pavements, shallow and piled foundations.
 Soil testing and investigation services;
 Inclinometer Installations and Monitoring.
 Salinity assessments and management plans

Environmental Monitoring: Investigate and assessed potential site contamination and audit of hazardous materials in collaboration with Environmental Protection Authorities.
 Underground petroleum storage systems assessments and monitoring.
 Contamination assessments and remediation
 Environmental Management Plans.
 Groundwater &surface-water monitoring.

Landfill Consulting: Provide environmental monitoring services and waste Disposal landfill.
 Environmental Monitoring of Dust, Noise, Gas, Water and Leachate, to satisfy the requirements of the landfill regulator.
 Landfill design assistance, and landfill construction certification.

Subsurface may involve: Geological Mapping, Geophysical Methods or Subsurface Exploration. Geophysical Exploration techniques can also be employed to measure the physical properties of the shallow or deep subsurface along with any anomalies.


 INVESTIGATION OF GEO-HAZARD:Earthquake, Flooding, Landslide, Famine and Volcanic Eruption.